(2) Compare and contrast your conception of Italian fashion before this semester with your current understanding. Did your perception change? Why or why not? Cite specific experiences that influenced you.
From living in the United States, we always had a perceived thought that Europeans were very fashionable and always took great care in how they looked. The closest European store that we have at home is Zara and even that is so much different than the true European style. Coming to Italy I was expecting to see very high fashion on the streets, even for every day clothing. This is such a different way of life than what I was used to coming from the United States. At home everyone wears sweatpants out and doesn’t put very much time into their appearance. I would say that coming here my ideas about Italian fashion were pretty correct. It is so easy to pick out an Italian walking down the street from an American. Their ensemble is very put together and they really care what they look like.
In Italian class we learned the importance of “ La Bella Figura” and I think that is part of the reason that Italians put so much care and time into their appearance. La Bella Figura means “the beautiful figure” but it is really just a way of life for Italians, emphasizing beauty, good image, aesthetics and proper behavior. When the right combination of shoes, hats, accessories and color come together, one is considered to have achieved the La Bella Figura. There is also more to La Bella Figura. It is more than dressing well, looking good and admiring fine art, it is also an etiquette system. La Bella Figura means acting properly, knowing the rules of etiquette, and being aware of the proper nuances Italian society demands. Basically it is how to act and how to behave under particular circumstances. It is knowing what is appropriate and it is knowing what is of high quality and taste versus what is too cheap. Before coming to Italy I had no idea about “La Bella Figura” so it was very interesting to learn about this idea that shapes the culture and it gave me a better understanding as to why Italians are always dressed with such class and elegancy.
Italy is known as a place of grandeur and elegance and this is very apparent in the fashion that you see on the streets. For an example, my Italian teacher was telling us that even the uniforms of the Italian policemen, soldiers and carabinieri are more stylish and elegant than those of neighboring countries. They take great pride in their fashion regardless of who is wearing it and what the job is that they are performing. Walking to class every day I always pass the men unloading the trucks for the stores or the garbage men and even they are dressed with class. Not in very many other countries would you find this sense of pride in what you look like in their daily life. Also I have noticed that not only are Italians well dressed and well groomed, they surround themselves with beauty. Their cars are known for design and beauty, their gardens and architecture are beautiful and the art and fine wines are not comparable to any other country.
As I have learned, Italy is the fashion center of the world, with Milan considered the true fashion capital of the world. Some of the norms in Italy include glamour, simple elegance and high fashion. Italy has been home to many great Italian fashion designers including: Giorgio Armani, Roberto Capucci, Roberto Cavalli, Salvatore Ferragamo, Guccio Gucci, Emilio Pucci, Donatella Versace and many others which we learned about in class. These designers have been some of Europe’s main trendsetters. Without these fashion designers, Italian fashion would not be the way that it is today. They produce luxury goods, which influence fashion all over the world. Italians are very inspired by these great Italian designers.
Another interesting thing that I have learned about in Italy is how woman show off their clothes and fashions. They go into piazzas and stroll around so that everyone can see what they are wearing and show off their latest styles. This is something that is so different than the United States but I think that it is really neat. We have all bought that one thing that you want to show off so this is a neat way to show people what you are wearing without bragging about it. This is something that makes the way Italian's show their fashion unique.
I think that my perceptions on Italian fashion changed greatly while being here studying the culture. I always knew that Italians were known for their high fashion and that they took great pride in what they looked like and what they wore but there were many things that I had no idea about. After learning the Italian culture and starting to feel at home here it is going to make it very hard to leave! I love the idea of La Bella Figura. Not only does it make you look good on the streets but it also makes you feel good about yourself inside. At least for me when I dress nice I feel better about myself than when I am dressed down. I wish we had some kind of culture norm similar to this at home because it has only had a positive influence on Italian women. Also, I always knew that Italy was one of the fashion centers of the world, but I never knew how fashionable Italy really was until I lived here and traveled around to the main fashion areas including Rome and Milan. I loved Milan so much and it reminded me of New York City with the fast paced city feel but way more fashionable than New York and that’s what I love. I love all the higher fashion styles and I am going to take some of the fashion styles home with me. I almost prefer the European style to the American style because it is more fashion forward and unique. At first I wasn’t sure how I felt about the styles because it was different than what I was used to and when we see change we always tend to shy away from it at first. Now I love it! Two people could have the same pieces and wear them totally different. It seems that people in Italy are more creative with how they dress and they put more thought into what looks good together. I also think that strolling around piazzas and showing off your latest items is neat too. It almost reminds me of your own fashion show. It lets you see what the new fashions are and how people are wearing certain accessories. I know from being here that I have gotten fashion tips off the street just by watching what people are wearing and how they are wearing things. It is very rare that in the United States I would walk down the street and see something eye catching that I would want to have. It is going to be so hard to go back home after living in Italy and experiencing this way of life. I love Italian fashion so much and I am going to miss the unique and different pieces that can be found here and not at home!
Overall I thought that this program was amazing and couldn’t have been better! I feel like I have learned so much and have really gotten a feel for Italian culture. I thought that all of my classes were great and I learned so much in all of them!
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